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You are not living in a nice ecovillage?

Would you like to have deep connections to others and a sustainable surrounding?

Let’s change that!

you afraid of?:

1. lack of privacy:
Living together in a community often means sharing living space, kitchen and other resources. However, some people  prefer their privacy and want to have their own space.

2. different lifestyles and habits:
In a community, there can be different people with different lifestyles, habits and preferences can live together. This can lead to  conflicts especially when it comes to issues such as cleanliness, noise or quiet times.

3. conflicts in decision-making:
Communities often make joint  decisions, be it decisions, be it about finances, rules or projects. If there  are difficulties in reaching a consensus or when individuals feel that feel that their voice is not being  heard, this can lead to tensions.

4. responsibility for shared obligations:
Living in a community also means also means facing up to shared obligations, such as sharing such as sharing household tasks or taking responsibility for responsibility for community projects. However, some people do not want to take on the additional responsibility or already feel overwhelmed by their own obligations.

5. lack of trust and communication:
A successful community requires open and open and honest communication and mutual trust. When these elements are missing or dysfunctional, it can be difficult to resolve conflicts and create a harmonious atmosphere.

You can learn everything, that your nature has forgotten.

So let’s fix this:

1. open communication: Regular exchange and open communication are essential to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Organize regular community meetings where all members have the opportunity to share their opinions and concerns.

2. setting common rules: Encourage the community to establish common rules and agreements to minimize conflicts. It is important that all members have a say and can participate in the decision-making process.

3. tolerance and respect: Respect the differences in lifestyles, habits and opinions within the community. Encourage members to be open to new ideas and perspectives and to be tolerant of each other’s needs and preferences.

4. clear responsibilities: Define clear responsibilities and distribution of tasks within the community. This can help minimize conflicts and misunderstandings about shared obligations. Encourage members to take their responsibilities seriously and ensure a fair distribution of burdens.

5. develop conflict resolution skills: Invest time and energy in developing conflict resolution skills within the community. Learning effective communication and negotiation techniques can help to identify conflicts early and resolve them in a constructive and respectful way.

My skills:
Permanently positive, I think in solutions. If there are hardly any solutions, mostly causes of the problems can be eliminated. I think very far, and question everything. In the different meditation groups, I became more and more conscious. So I perceive a lot. I like Non-violent communication, listen to others and I also can let their opinion stand. I like closeness, but can also be alone. Being honest and open is normal here.

Through seminars, whorkshops I know Possibility Management, non violent conversation, consens(t), communes, Cycle, Forum and other tools for community growth together.

Am a trained office organizer (-salesman), and have also worked as an executive secretary. Was also in logistics, organization of IT (large computer) transports. I have done a lot with computer hardware, software and internet, also attended training courses at the CCI for network technology. In the garden I did some maintenance in the family business.

For Community topics such as: supervision, as a neutral, I can help to mediate, moderate. On any life topic, I can tell about the communities and their experiences. Give seminars, if desired. I can help to found communities, in the procedure and support, that a good core forms and the proceeding.

Sustainability, how it can be lived in everyday life. Mindset development, to want it by itself, without having to renounce. Use resources sparingly, understand and question the background, capitalism.

I am permanently positive and conscious, live as well as possible in the cycle with nature, as sustainable as the place where I am, gives it.
Already know my needs in community and how to behave there and like to pass on the knowledge.

I was also able to experience gardening, natural building, kitchen help, various workshops, like helping with mud house construction and much more during the participation, and action weeks in community’s.

A beautiful place, with like-minded people and a happy and content life, with itself and the earth actively to experience. That is meanwhile well possible, even to be able to unfold system-independently. Join in!

Book your consultation below.

Advanced consulting

Clarify intensive questions
1600 incl. MwSt.
  • 1 mounth to solve some individual questions
  • I show you ways out of uncertainty!
  • Understand your feelings, your thoughts and actions. We bring the community tools into your life.
  • 1 month of counseling and support with me 1x/week
lets go

Q: Why is there no hourly booking option?

A: The issue is too complex. You would hardly be helped with an hour.